ÖRV-Athlet Christoph Seifriedsberger hinterlässt nicht nur in der österreichischen Rudersportfamilie eine nicht zu schließende Lücke, sondern die Rudersportfamilie weltweit versucht ihre Betroffenheit in Worte zu fassen.
Horst Nussbaumer, Präsident des Österreichischen Ruderverbandes:
Der schreckliche Unfalltot unseres lieben Christoph ist für uns alle ein tiefer Schock. Für Christoph war der Rudersport der Mittelpunkt seines Lebens. Seine Zielstrebigkeit und sein Einsatz sind Vorbild für uns alle.
Als einer der erfolgreichsten Nachwuchssportler war er am besten Weg, seine großen sportlichen Ziele zu erreichen.
Sein Tod erfüllt uns alle mit unsagbarer Traurigkeit. Unsere Gedanken sind bei seiner Familie, seiner Lebensgefährtin und bei seinen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, aus deren Mitte er so unbarmherzig und plötzlich gerissen wurde.
Wir alle werden Christoph als wunderbaren, feinfühligen, zielstrebigen, freundlichen und hilfsbereiten Menschen, der auch immer höflich, bescheiden und aufmerksam war, in Erinnerung bewahren.
Neben den nationalen Verbänden der Schweiz, Großbritannien, den Niederlanden und Tschechien, haben der internationale, der europäische, der italienische Verband sowie die Cal Bears der University of Berkeley in Kalifornien Kondolenzschreiben übermittelt. Ein Auszug:
Präsident des Weltverbandes FISA:
{…} On behalf of World Rowing we would like to express our deepest condolences to Christoph’s family, to the Austrian federation and to the team.
In this particularly difficult ordeal, which words alone cannot appease, our thoughts are with the family, the teammates and the Austrian rowing family.
Präsident des Ruderverbandes Italien:
{…} His tragic death affects us deeply.
On behalf of the Board of Italian Rowing Federation and the Italian Team I would like to express my deepest and heartfelt condolences to you, to the Austrian Federation and to the family of Christoph.
Friends of Cal Crew:
{…} Christoph came to Berkeley in the fall of 2016 and had an immediate impact on the Cal team. In addition to being a remarkably hardworking oarsman and fierce competitor, Christoph was warm, immeasurably kind, and served as a selfless leader for all oarsmen with whom he shared a connection.
When Christoph was not at the boathouse, he could frequently be found either mentoring teammates in the athlete study center, spending time in the Canyon House kitchen, or sharing conversation in the International House dining hall.
Those who knew Christoph remark on the sense of peace that would accompany their interactions with him and will remember him for his love of conversation and eagerness to listen. During his time with the Austria National Team, Christoph served as a stalwart advocate for mental health awareness on the World Rowing circuit and spoke about the subject on multiple platforms.
Christoph will be deeply missed by all Cal Crew family members with whom he shared time. We ask that privacy of the Seifriedsberger family be respected at this time and that they be allowed to mourn in peace.
Präsidentin des Europäischer Ruderverbandes:
{…} Christophe was a fine young man with so much potential and a long history of contribution to the federation’s success on the water. I know that he will be much missed by the rowing family in Austria, and I am sure by his peers across Europe and the world. In particular we would like to pass on our deepest sadness and condolences to Christophe’s family and friends and his fellows teammates who knew him so well. None of us can imagine the impact of such devasting news on those close to Christophe.